Its my belief that in todays day and age love is thrown around far two loosely thus cheapening the true value of love. So back to the experiment every day from here to Valentines Day I am going to do a post about love. It might be about the traditional kind of love (in a relationship) and it could be about the other kinds of love we sometimes forget about. I am also going to thrown in a couple of reviews in just because its my blog and I can
The point of this little experiment though is to remember the true beauty of love and how sometimes we get so caught up looking for the traditional kind of love we forget about the love all around us. So if you want this Valentines Day to be different, if you want to have a Valentines Day surrounded with love, come along for the ride, check back every day and let’s have 14 days of love.
God Bless,
Grace Hatton – Best Selling Teen Author
P.S – Want a copy of my book “The Guys The Roses & The Regrets”? Go to Amazon.com to pick up your copy in time for Valentines Day!
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