Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bye Bye 2009 You Were Awesome....But I have Big Plans for 2010

So I had a wonderful christmas with my family and friends. I hope you had a wonderful christmas as well but the new year is just a few days away. I have to admit the new year always freaks me out a little and the older I get the more it freaks me out.

Simply because I look back at the year and see what I could have done.

However as they say coulda, shoulda, woulda. There is no point looking back at the past year and wishing for the things we didn't achieve. Instead we should look at the things we did achieve in the past year. 2009 was actually pretty amazing for me, a lot of things changed(my brother moved to california, my sister went to college etc) but at the same time so many amazing things happened. Here is just a random sampling of the awesome things that happened in 2009.

#1  - The Release of my book "The Guys The Roses &The Regrets; The Girl to Girl Dating Guide"

On Valentines day 2009 my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" was finally released! I cannot tell you how amazing it was to finally have my work out there. After years of working to get it done it was finally done and then in the weeks of its release it became an Amazon best seller. That was the icing on the cake for me. I was so happy people were actually reading my words and being helped by them. So yes the release of my book was by far the best thing to happen to me in 2009.

#2 - Being Featured in WOW Performance Magazine alongside Michelle Obama

I wrote the article for the inaugural WOW Performance Magazine in May 2009 and even after I submitted the article I had no idea who was going to be on the cover. Then in July I was attending a retreat for CEO's in Las Vegas. I knew that the publisher of the WOW performance magazine was going to be there so I e-mailed her before hand and asked about the progress of the magazine.

A week before I left she e-mailed me back and attached the jpeg of the cover of the magazine. I was beyond happy when I saw Michelle Obama on the cover. It was a huge honor to be in the same magazine as the first lady. The publisher also informed me they would be handing out promo copies at the event in Vegas. So when I got to the retreat in Vegas and we got to the day they were handing the magazines out, I was freakishly excited. I got my shiny glossy copy in my hands, flipped to page 16 and there was my article. Then to make it even better people asked me to sign their copies! It was a great experience and a great honor to be featured in the inaugural issue of WOW Performance Magazine alongside Michelle Obama in 2009.

#3 - Being the Featured Author for the Orange County Library System

So this happened just a couple of weeks ago but it was pretty darn cool. I got invited to be one of the featured authors for the Orange County Library System so I had posters up all over Orlando, I had an ad in the Libraries Magazine and I was all over the website. I got to do a talk at the Downtown Orlando Central Library about my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" and afterwards I did a book sale/signing. All in all it was a great experience and helped me to get "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" out into the Orlando community.


#4 - Starting My Own Online Magazine

Now this one is still a work in progress so thats why its at the end but I did actually start my own online magazine this year. Its a new magazine for teen girls that encourages them to live a remarkable life by realising their own beauty, developing their character and making a lasting difference in the world. The magazine will be officially launched in the first quarter of 2010 but even getting it started was a huge achievement for me in 2009.

So thats just a few things I got done in 2009 and I am very thankful for everything I've achieved. God has blessed me to be able to do all these things and inspire other people along the way. Yet 2010 is just around the corner and I have some big plans for the new year. Granted life has its twists and turns, who knows if I'll get them all done but I think its best to shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars. Some of my goals for 2010 are to publish another book (the follow up book to "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets"), get my magazine officially launched, go to Uganda in summer for a mission trip and so much more!

There is so much I want to do and the beautiful part is the new years only just begining. I'll be praying that 2010 turns how to be just as amazing as 2009 but what about you? What are your goals or resolutions for the new year? Let me know and whatever they are I pray you'll achieve your goals for 2010 as well.

I will keep you updated with my goals via this blog,twitter, myspace and all the other wonderful social networks I am on but until next time, be blessed, stay strong and I'll see you in 2010.

Happy New Year,

Grace Hatton

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas to You

Aww Christmas time, I have to admit December is my favourite month of the year. I get my birthday and then two weeks later I get Christmas! Ever since I was little I've adored christmas not only because of the decorations, presents and time with my family but I love christmas because of the story behind it. Regardless of your faith, christmas is all about love.

 For me as a christian christmas is about Jesus Christ coming to earth for us which to me is the ultimate act of love. He gave up everything in Heaven to come to our earth knowing full well in 33 years he was going to be nailed to a cross. To me thats amazing love but regardless of your faith I believe christmas should be about love. It shouldn't be about getting the biggest presents or having the best dinner, it should be about showing love to those who need it. Whether thats your family, your friends or the homeless guy living on the street corner.

Christmas started out with an act of love and I think somewhere along the line we forgot that part of the story. So my christmas wish for you is pretty simple I wish for you love. I wish you would  receive love but most of all you would have the wonderful experience of showing love to those who need it desperately.

LOVE, get that word into your heart and when your spending time with those you love think about how you could show love. I wish love for you this christmas season. I hope you all have a wonderful christmas filled with love and hope. A very Merry Christmas to you and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

P.S - If you're still looking for a gift why not check out my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" you can get it on Amazon www.amazon.com   Amazon even has one day shipping available, Merry Christmas =]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This is an awesome pic from one of my friends up north while its stunning that's gotta be really cold. Where as in Florida its about 60 degrees with some intense rain. Well I just wanted to show you guys the pretty picture. Watch out for my merry christmas blog post which I will be putting up asap

God Bless and Merry Christmas

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chillin in Orlando? Come Check Me Out at the Downtown Orlando Library on Dec 12th

Hey Everyone,

So Christmas is coming, my decorations are up, my family from England and California are now here and its almost time for me to turn 18. However you may ask what would a best selling teen author do on her last day of being 17? Well like any self respecting best selling author I am going to be doing a fantastic talk about "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets; The Girl o Girl Dating Guide" and then an even more amazing book signing afterwards.

So if you want to spend 45 minutes or so with me and live in the central florida area feel free to come on down to the Orlando Public Library in Downtown Orlando on Saturday December 12th. I am speaking at 12:30pm in the Albertson Room at the Downtown Orlando Public Library. (101 E. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32801)

Its going to be a great event and its a chance for you to get your copy of "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" signed. A signed copy of "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" would make a great gift for anyone who wants to know more about realtionships. Its especially great for teenage girls who are still trying to figure out the whole boy/relationship thing.

It would be beyond amazing to see my supporters there and by showing up at the event is a great way to support the local library system. Plus you can make my last day of being 17 truly special.

God Bless and I hope to see you on Sat, December 12th,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author