So the Orlando Magic didn't win the NBA finals but thats okay we have next season =] Anyhow the reason I am writing this blog is simple, I want to show you how to set up and run a succesful blog. I want to show you how you can get clients, money and regonition all through a FREE blog!
If you live in the Orlando, FL area on July 11th in Downtown Orlando I am running a Blogging 101- Make Your Blog a Success Workshop. Its $75 for a three hour morning session with hands on instructions and then in the afternoon we are running a Social Networks 101 session (extra cost for that session)
Please click the button below to check out the eventbrite page for it where you can get some more info and purchase your tickets!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, life got kind of crazy but now I have some catching up to do. Okay so on the final of Britains Got Talent, Julian Smith, Susan Boyle and Diversity were the top three acts. Now most of America was expecting Susan to win such she'd had such an amazing following over the last couple of months but the British Public shocked the world when they voted for Diversity to win!
Diversity are an amazing group of talented dancers who perform the most creative dances you've ever seen. You can look them up on YouTube just put in Britains Got Talent Diversity and you'll be able to see their audition, semi final and final performance. Although Susan Boyle was Amazing, I do believe Diversity deserved the win and I truly hope both Susan and Diversity go on to do great things.
Now in more local news (well for me anyway) my home team the Orlando Magic became the NBA Eastern Champs this past week when we beat the Cavillers and LeBron James! It was a crazy night here in Orlando, fans spilled out from the Amway Arena out into the streets of downtown Orlando. The police had to close the streets down because every road was full of crazy happy Orlando Magic fans. So the Orlando Magic and the city of Orlando is on a high as we move towards the finals with the L.A Lakers. Its kinda funny actually because my brother lives in L.A and I am in Orlando so we're both rooting for the two different teams =] But I think Orlando can win and it would be such a boost for the city, I am supporting the Magic all the way and I hope we win the series. GO MAGIC!
The final thing I am going to blog about today is pretty awesome. So just this morning I woke up, grabbed a muffin and orange juice, I sat down at my computer, opened up Myspace and there it was in all its glory. The new official Trailer for New Moon! I am beyond excited for the second movie in the Twilight Saga and now I've seen the trailer I am even more excited! I wanted you guys to see the trailer as well so here it is, enjoy!
May I just say Taylor looks really good (Selena is a lucky girl :P) and the way he morphs into his werewolf self is pretty awesome. They did a really good job on making it look real. So on November 10th at midnight I will be watching New Moon and loving every minute of it. What about you guys any plans to see New Moon?
I hope you guys liked this post, I know its full of random things but I had a lot of catching up to do so please let me know what you think and I will be posting again soon apart from next time, the post will be all about a new project of mine,