Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bye Bye 2009 You Were Awesome....But I have Big Plans for 2010

So I had a wonderful christmas with my family and friends. I hope you had a wonderful christmas as well but the new year is just a few days away. I have to admit the new year always freaks me out a little and the older I get the more it freaks me out.

Simply because I look back at the year and see what I could have done.

However as they say coulda, shoulda, woulda. There is no point looking back at the past year and wishing for the things we didn't achieve. Instead we should look at the things we did achieve in the past year. 2009 was actually pretty amazing for me, a lot of things changed(my brother moved to california, my sister went to college etc) but at the same time so many amazing things happened. Here is just a random sampling of the awesome things that happened in 2009.

#1  - The Release of my book "The Guys The Roses &The Regrets; The Girl to Girl Dating Guide"

On Valentines day 2009 my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" was finally released! I cannot tell you how amazing it was to finally have my work out there. After years of working to get it done it was finally done and then in the weeks of its release it became an Amazon best seller. That was the icing on the cake for me. I was so happy people were actually reading my words and being helped by them. So yes the release of my book was by far the best thing to happen to me in 2009.

#2 - Being Featured in WOW Performance Magazine alongside Michelle Obama

I wrote the article for the inaugural WOW Performance Magazine in May 2009 and even after I submitted the article I had no idea who was going to be on the cover. Then in July I was attending a retreat for CEO's in Las Vegas. I knew that the publisher of the WOW performance magazine was going to be there so I e-mailed her before hand and asked about the progress of the magazine.

A week before I left she e-mailed me back and attached the jpeg of the cover of the magazine. I was beyond happy when I saw Michelle Obama on the cover. It was a huge honor to be in the same magazine as the first lady. The publisher also informed me they would be handing out promo copies at the event in Vegas. So when I got to the retreat in Vegas and we got to the day they were handing the magazines out, I was freakishly excited. I got my shiny glossy copy in my hands, flipped to page 16 and there was my article. Then to make it even better people asked me to sign their copies! It was a great experience and a great honor to be featured in the inaugural issue of WOW Performance Magazine alongside Michelle Obama in 2009.

#3 - Being the Featured Author for the Orange County Library System

So this happened just a couple of weeks ago but it was pretty darn cool. I got invited to be one of the featured authors for the Orange County Library System so I had posters up all over Orlando, I had an ad in the Libraries Magazine and I was all over the website. I got to do a talk at the Downtown Orlando Central Library about my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" and afterwards I did a book sale/signing. All in all it was a great experience and helped me to get "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" out into the Orlando community.


#4 - Starting My Own Online Magazine

Now this one is still a work in progress so thats why its at the end but I did actually start my own online magazine this year. Its a new magazine for teen girls that encourages them to live a remarkable life by realising their own beauty, developing their character and making a lasting difference in the world. The magazine will be officially launched in the first quarter of 2010 but even getting it started was a huge achievement for me in 2009.

So thats just a few things I got done in 2009 and I am very thankful for everything I've achieved. God has blessed me to be able to do all these things and inspire other people along the way. Yet 2010 is just around the corner and I have some big plans for the new year. Granted life has its twists and turns, who knows if I'll get them all done but I think its best to shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars. Some of my goals for 2010 are to publish another book (the follow up book to "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets"), get my magazine officially launched, go to Uganda in summer for a mission trip and so much more!

There is so much I want to do and the beautiful part is the new years only just begining. I'll be praying that 2010 turns how to be just as amazing as 2009 but what about you? What are your goals or resolutions for the new year? Let me know and whatever they are I pray you'll achieve your goals for 2010 as well.

I will keep you updated with my goals via this blog,twitter, myspace and all the other wonderful social networks I am on but until next time, be blessed, stay strong and I'll see you in 2010.

Happy New Year,

Grace Hatton

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas to You

Aww Christmas time, I have to admit December is my favourite month of the year. I get my birthday and then two weeks later I get Christmas! Ever since I was little I've adored christmas not only because of the decorations, presents and time with my family but I love christmas because of the story behind it. Regardless of your faith, christmas is all about love.

 For me as a christian christmas is about Jesus Christ coming to earth for us which to me is the ultimate act of love. He gave up everything in Heaven to come to our earth knowing full well in 33 years he was going to be nailed to a cross. To me thats amazing love but regardless of your faith I believe christmas should be about love. It shouldn't be about getting the biggest presents or having the best dinner, it should be about showing love to those who need it. Whether thats your family, your friends or the homeless guy living on the street corner.

Christmas started out with an act of love and I think somewhere along the line we forgot that part of the story. So my christmas wish for you is pretty simple I wish for you love. I wish you would  receive love but most of all you would have the wonderful experience of showing love to those who need it desperately.

LOVE, get that word into your heart and when your spending time with those you love think about how you could show love. I wish love for you this christmas season. I hope you all have a wonderful christmas filled with love and hope. A very Merry Christmas to you and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

P.S - If you're still looking for a gift why not check out my book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" you can get it on Amazon www.amazon.com   Amazon even has one day shipping available, Merry Christmas =]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This is an awesome pic from one of my friends up north while its stunning that's gotta be really cold. Where as in Florida its about 60 degrees with some intense rain. Well I just wanted to show you guys the pretty picture. Watch out for my merry christmas blog post which I will be putting up asap

God Bless and Merry Christmas

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chillin in Orlando? Come Check Me Out at the Downtown Orlando Library on Dec 12th

Hey Everyone,

So Christmas is coming, my decorations are up, my family from England and California are now here and its almost time for me to turn 18. However you may ask what would a best selling teen author do on her last day of being 17? Well like any self respecting best selling author I am going to be doing a fantastic talk about "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets; The Girl o Girl Dating Guide" and then an even more amazing book signing afterwards.

So if you want to spend 45 minutes or so with me and live in the central florida area feel free to come on down to the Orlando Public Library in Downtown Orlando on Saturday December 12th. I am speaking at 12:30pm in the Albertson Room at the Downtown Orlando Public Library. (101 E. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32801)

Its going to be a great event and its a chance for you to get your copy of "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" signed. A signed copy of "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets" would make a great gift for anyone who wants to know more about realtionships. Its especially great for teenage girls who are still trying to figure out the whole boy/relationship thing.

It would be beyond amazing to see my supporters there and by showing up at the event is a great way to support the local library system. Plus you can make my last day of being 17 truly special.

God Bless and I hope to see you on Sat, December 12th,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Memories from the Miami Book Fair and The Countdown to New Moon

Hey Everyone,
So I spent the weekend at the Miami Book Fair in the amazing city that is Miami. This was my first book fair and I have to admit it was kind of awesome. I got to meet some pretty amazing authors like Meg Cabot who of course wrote ‘The Princess Diaries’ among other books and I also met Ben H Winters who co authored ‘Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters’

I also made some great contacts for my own books so hopefully I’ll be releasing another book before you know it (fingers crossed). I learnt a lot about what it takes to be a successful author and I loved connecting with all the different authors/publishers/magazines etc. I wanted to film one of my writing tips YouTube videos at the Fair but much to my dismay my video camera died! But have no fear I still did my Writing Tip video and it should be up on YouTube within the next couple of days. All in all the Miami Book Fair was amazing and I hope to be one of the featured authors there one day.

Now I have a confession to make I am so excited for the New Moon movie! I am not excited because of Edward, Bella or the Cullen’s, I am actually really excited to see Jacob be the leading man and taking his shirt off for the most of the move isn’t a bad thing either :p I will be at the movies at midnight to see New Moon and I have a feeling as soon as Jacob comes on the screen there will be many teenage girls screaming with joy. I will infact contain myself and not scream at a cinema screen because unlike many teenage girls I know that even if I screamed at the screen Jacob is not going to jumped out of that screen and suddenly be right in front on me. Anyhow what about you? Do you love or hate New Moon and are you watching it at Midnight? Either way let me know.

Finally I had an idea for my blog, since I am a best selling author and I love to read, I was thinking about doing book reviews. Not really longwinded ones just quick fun reviews about books people either give me or I am just reading for fun. I was thinking about doing this on the last Friday of every month and calling it ‘The Friday Review’ (creative I know ) but let me know what you think of that idea. Love it? Hate it? Or if you have a book you think I should review please let me know =]

Okay so until next time leave comments have fun and if like me you’re watching New Moon on the 20th be considerate of your fellow movie goers and try not to scream at the screen too much (but grinning like a Cheshire cat is perfectly acceptable).

God Bless,
Grace Hatton – Best Selling Teen Author

Monday, November 9, 2009

Seriously, Love is All You Need

Hey Everyone

So last week I went on a little movie trip, on the Tuesday I watched a new movie called 'To Save a Life' and the day after I watched Hillsong's United new movie 'We're All in This Together' (the one I told you about in my last post)

First off both movies made me cry and secondly both of their messages we're beyond meaningful. The first movie 'To Save a Life' is all about teen suicide and how suicide is now the second leading cause of death for teens. The second movie 'We're all in this together' is all about the global issues such as poverty that we face every day yet most of the time we choose to look away. Both of these issues are big deals and too often get overlooked but do you know what the answer is to all these problems? The answer is simple, LOVE.

I know we all know the Beatles song 'All You Need is Love' but seriously all you need is love. What if we stopped being so focused on our every day and just for a little while choose to look up and see other people’s needs. If we showed love in a practical way not because we had to or we wanted to do our part but because it was part of our character. What if showing love was as natural as looking out for ourselves. What if instead of walking past the homeless guy on the street corner we took a minute to talk to him and learn his story. What if instead of excluding the weirdo who sits by himself at lunch we expanded our circle of friends to let him in.

Would this world be a better place if we focused on showing love in a practical way every chance we got? I believe if people especially teens could show true love this world would be a better place and I am not the only one who believes in love. Both of the movies I saw are powerful and show you how to show love in a practical way. Check them out at http://www.tosavealifemovie.com// and http://www.theiheartfilm.com/

So I challenge you to go out into your everyday life and look for opportunities to show love even if it’s only what you would consider a small thing. You never know a small act of love can make a big difference in someone's life.

Until next time, be blessed, stay strong and remember all you need is love,

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author


Saturday, October 17, 2009

SUPRISE: Sometimes The Word Isn't Fair

Okay now I am not trying to have a bleak outlook here but today I had one of those moments, a moment when you suddenly realise how blessed we are to live in this country and how so many are not quite so blessed.

So I love the band Hillsong United and I was wandering their website when I saw the link for their new film I Heart: We're All in This Together. Curiosity got the better of me and I just had to click the link to the trailers. When I arrived on the trailers page, I clicked one called Moment and I was crying within seconds. I can't explain how powerful this trailer is so I wanted to show you

Did you cry? I sure did, as you know I went to South Africa on a mission trip in 2008and this four minute video brought me back to exactly where I was in those squatter camps in Joberg, South Africa. I remembered thinking as I held African orphans how unfair it was that those children that had done nothing to deserve being in that situation where they were fighting to survive everyday and then you come to the West and kids are complaining about their computer dying or being unpopular in school!

I know its hard to look up from our own lives but when you look at the children all around the world who have nothing, how can we say this world is fair? Now here's the surprise, sometimes the world isn't fair! We cannot take those children in Africa and simply move them to the suburbs of America but what we can do is refuse to let them go unnoticed.

We can do our part here in the West to let it be now that there is more to life then TV, FaceBook, Cell Phones and Having the Most Friends. This world is at the end of the day all about showing Love and I think its about time we starting showing some love for those who are all too easily forgotten.

The We're All in This Together documentary comes out for one night only on November 4th you can check out http://theiheartfilm.com/ for showtimes etc but I encourage you to look up from your own life, watch this movie and be inspired to shout this message from the rooftops for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Until Next Time,

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author and A Firm Believer in Changing the World One Day at a Time

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grace Hatton Featured in Magazine Alongside Michelle Obama!

Best Selling Teen Author Grace Hatton Still Receiving National Attention

Orlando, FL - Grace Hatton, Best Selling Teen Author and Teen Entrepreneur was recently featured in the Inaugural July 2009 issue of the Women of Wisdom's Performance Magazine.

The publication’s cover features Michelle Obama and profiles women entrepreneurs who have become successful in their own fields. The magazine features best selling authors, CEO, Image consultants and more. When asked how she feels about being in such a prestigious periodical that features the First Lady Michelle Obama, Grace humbly asserts, “It’s a blessing to be included in such a prestigious magazine. I am honored to be surrounded by these amazing women at such a young age and be able to share what I've learned in my life."

Grace has been featured in numerous online magazines and well as being interviewed by numerous radio shows. Grace has been working closely with the Girl Scouts to inspire younger girls to become the best they can be and give back to their community. Grace also spends time working with younger aspiring writers with a local mentoring program. Grace's article in the WOW Performance Magazine focused on Achieving Your Dreams at Any Age and that's exactly what Grace hopes to inspire others to do.

For more information about Grace Hatton please visit www.gracehatton.com

P.S - Hey Guys its me Grace Hatton, this is a shorter version of a press release I will be sending out in a few days so I wanted to post it on my blogs first, let me know what you think. Love it or Hate it? Let me know =]

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author
Taught a class at a Girl Scout Writing Camp today about how to become a teen author it was pretty cool knowing I was inspiring younger girls

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Listening to Les Brown on CEO Space Live, its very inspirational & its reminding me why I fight so hard to accomplish my dreams =]
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandh http://ping.fm/SVuFs

Sunday, October 4, 2009

So yeah go out there and love life every single minute of it =]
Live each day as if it was your last because one of these days it will be
Want more happiness in your life? Then you should join the FREE social network thats all about connecting with happy people everywhere http://ping.fm/MhQ7C

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I've written a saga similar to Twilight but not about vampires thinking about getting it published what do you think?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Okay applying for Oxford is really hard especially when you're a British Citizen living in America, they really don't like that for some reason

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The sign up for the 100 Day Challenge has been extended another 3 days check it out http://tinyurl.com/yapfw67

Not Your Average Teen But Thats Okay

So I spent the last week on a cruise to Mexico for a family vacation which was pretty much fantastic but I also learnt something this week. I am not your average teen of course I already knew that but as I spent time with the rest of the teens on the cruise it was all of a sudden apparent to me this week just how different I am.

For example I haven't been drunk or gotten high in any point in my life and I haven't had a major horrible messy break up. I know being a teen is all about having fun but I also think just cause your a teen doesn't give you an excuse to waste the life you've been given. I love having a good time, I love dancing to the wee hours of the morning and I love laughing till it hurts but I don't need drugs or drink to make that happen. Is that so crazy that someone could actually be high off life?

I don't think so I believe every day is a gift and ever moment is worth living to the full and by that I mean take the responsibility to be happy and have fun without using any shortcuts (drink, drugs) along the way.

I've done some pretty amazing things in my life so far i.e write a best selling book, go on mission trips to south africa etc and I plan to do even more so even though I am not normal I am very grateful for that. After all not many seventeen year olds have done the things I've done and I know that every moment of joy I experience is even sweeter because its simply a result of the life I am choosing to live every single day =]

Thats all for now so Thank You for Reading and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Friday, September 25, 2009

Spent a week on a cruise chillin in Key West, Mexico etc yeah it was a good week =]

Monday, September 21, 2009

Make the last 100 days of 2009 the BEST yet! Check this out http://tinyurl.com/kt2me8

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conquer all and earn bragging rights for life! Take Part in the 100 Day Challenge http://tinyurl.com/mg65ak

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just uploaded not 1 but wait for it TWO videos to my YouTube channel if you're awesome you should check them out www.youtube.com/gracehatton

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are You Up For a Challenge? www.StartFastFinishStrong.com

100 Days to Achieve Your Dreams & Change Your Life

Are You Up For a Challenge?

It's been a fast, challenging and for some a painful year.

And, if you're tired of struggling with debt, fearful of the current economic crisis, and paralyzed by the pace of change, I've got a great way for you to take control of your future and finish the year off with a bang.

September 23rd is an important date as it marks the 100 day countdown of 2009. With that in mind, I want to thrown down a challenge, I want to provide you with an opportunity to redeem yourself and turn things around for the better and I mean much better.

You see, one thing we all have in common is that we all love a challenge!

For some it could be a goal that puts you to the test, an obstacle that says you can't beat me, a belief system that is begging for a breakthrough, or even a mountain that just dares you to climb it.

Whatever it is, you’re attitude should be BRING IT ON, as there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned challenge to see what you're made, to push the boundaries and tests your limits as it is ONLY when we overcome these trials that we get to reap the sweetest rewards.

My colleague, Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise know as The Goals Guy has put together what I believe to be the most comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.

Gary has been working with executives and employees at Coca-Cola, American Express, IBM, Starbucks, Time Warner, Disney, and many more teaching them exactly how set and reach their goals - if he can do it for them, he can do it for you.

Many of the top leaders in just about every field call on Gary when trying to develop and execute on certain goals. It is so much easier when you know HOW to create a workable plan, and can create accountability and that is where he excels.

Back to your goals and the challenge. Gary has created a powerful program that will show you how to make maximum performance gains in the shortest time possible. It is very effective and very affordable.

I think it is a no brainer if are serious about making changes and finishing the year strong than you simply must check out this program.

It's called the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge and it begins on September 23rd, which just so happens to be the final 100 days of the year.

Learn more here: http://tinyurl.com/mbwptx

It is a downloadable video and audio program where Gary literally coaches you towards achieving your goals -- the RIGHT WAY!

I recommend the program, I recommend that you download the Special Report, and more importantly I recommend Gary.

So make sure to go to:http://tinyurl.com/mbwptx

100 Day Finish Strong Challenge at http://tinyurl.com/mbwptx

And put yourself and your family in the best possible position. Also, make sure to watch his video.

As always thanks for reading and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Come see me speak tonight at the Orlando CEO Space Meeting http://ping.fm/LQ3Vb

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it." - Start right now live life to the full!

Monday, August 31, 2009

First day of school today, oh how i missed Algebra 2 :p

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Putting in my application/Essay for the Childrens Climate Forum in Copenhagen today, I hope I get accepted, wish me luck =]

Friday, August 28, 2009

There are still some tickets left the the All Day Workshop I am teaching tomorrow about blogs/social networks check it out www.blogsandmore.eventbrite.com

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Turn Your Summer Fling into Lasting Fall Romance!

According to therapists, summer flings are soothing to the soul, stimulate the mind and create an escape BUT almost 80% of summer flings come to an end. Why is that and can summer flings become long term romances? Grace Hatton, the seventeen year old best selling author of “The Guys The Roses & The Regrets” is the leading authority on teen relationships and she says “Yes”, summer flings can become so much more!

“While not all summer relationships are meant to last some are like the foundation of a house, they’re just the beginning. If young women learn simple techniques to understand guys and follow simple steps they can move past a simple summer fling. They can turn that fling into a meaningful fall romance. To make a relationship work, girls just have to understand the way guys think, what true romance is, and how to be a confident in your own skin” says Grace.

Grace has created Three Key Steps to turning a summer fling into a lasting fall romance. The three steps are 1.Figure it Out, 2.State the Obvious, and 3. Build on the Foundation! Without these three steps your summer fling will be nothing more then a summer memory!

Grace Hatton is the seventeen year teen author of the Amazon Best Selling book “The Guys The Roses & The Regrets; The Girl to Girl Dating Guide”. In this best selling book Grace shows young women how to create lasting loving relationships and how to let go of bad relationships. Grace has lived on two continents, won international writing awards and was recently featured in WOW Performance Magazine alongside Michelle Obama!

For more information please visit www.gracehatton.com and to interview Grace please e-mail info@gracehatton.com release

Monday, August 24, 2009

Did an interview at 10pm last night with Cassie Parks interview will be up asap check it out http://ping.fm/36MZV

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Went to the beach today with family and old friends today. Once again I was reminded of how beautiful life is =]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At a CEO Space meeting networking with all the wonderful grads and new members =]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

VIVA Las Vegas!

Hola People!

I haven't blogged in a while and I know you all missed me :P but anywho I had a pretty crazy week in the fabulous Las Vegas! I spent the week chilling at the Green Valley Ranch Resort in Vegas. Well in fact I wasn't even chilling, I was networking a.k.a working like crazy to make awesome connections for "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets"

I was in Vegas from last Monday for a week at an amazing business conference called 'CEO Space' and they have a truly wonderful teen program which I've been taking part in since July 2007. This was my fifth time attending the TEEN program and as always it was more then I could hope for.

I spent the week learning about business and networking with CEO's. I sold copies of my best selling book "The Guys The Roses & The Regrets", I saw my article in Women of Wisdom Performance Magazine (Michelle Obama is on the front cover!) for the first time, I got contacts for speaking in schools and colleges and I got sponsors for my new project!

I love attending CEO Space and all the connections I make there BUT don't worry I also have some fun, I promise. I will be letting you guys know about my new project and my article in Women of Wisdom Performance Magazine soon but for now I just want to say one last thing, VIVA LAS VEGAS!

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ever Wanted to Know How to Set Up and Run a Succesful Blog?

Hey Guys,

So the Orlando Magic didn't win the NBA finals but thats okay we have next season =] Anyhow the reason I am writing this blog is simple, I want to show you how to set up and run a succesful blog. I want to show you how you can get clients, money and regonition all through a FREE blog!

If you live in the Orlando, FL area on July 11th in Downtown Orlando I am running a Blogging 101- Make Your Blog a Success Workshop. Its $75 for a three hour morning session with hands on instructions and then in the afternoon we are running a Social Networks 101 session (extra cost for that session)

Please click the button below to check out the eventbrite page for it where you can get some more info and purchase your tickets!

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author


Monday, June 1, 2009

Britains Got Talent Winner, Orlando Magic Through to the Finals and New Moon Trailer. I am so excited!

Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, life got kind of crazy but now I have some catching up to do. Okay so on the final of Britains Got Talent, Julian Smith, Susan Boyle and Diversity were the top three acts. Now most of America was expecting Susan to win such she'd had such an amazing following over the last couple of months but the British Public shocked the world when they voted for Diversity to win!

Diversity are an amazing group of talented dancers who perform the most creative dances you've ever seen. You can look them up on YouTube just put in Britains Got Talent Diversity and you'll be able to see their audition, semi final and final performance. Although Susan Boyle was Amazing, I do believe Diversity deserved the win and I truly hope both Susan and Diversity go on to do great things.

Now in more local news (well for me anyway) my home team the Orlando Magic became the NBA Eastern Champs this past week when we beat the Cavillers and LeBron James! It was a crazy night here in Orlando, fans spilled out from the Amway Arena out into the streets of downtown Orlando. The police had to close the streets down because every road was full of crazy happy Orlando Magic fans. So the Orlando Magic and the city of Orlando is on a high as we move towards the finals with the L.A Lakers. Its kinda funny actually because my brother lives in L.A and I am in Orlando so we're both rooting for the two different teams =] But I think Orlando can win and it would be such a boost for the city, I am supporting the Magic all the way and I hope we win the series. GO MAGIC!

The final thing I am going to blog about today is pretty awesome. So just this morning I woke up, grabbed a muffin and orange juice, I sat down at my computer, opened up Myspace and there it was in all its glory. The new official Trailer for New Moon! I am beyond excited for the second movie in the Twilight Saga and now I've seen the trailer I am even more excited! I wanted you guys to see the trailer as well so here it is, enjoy!


May I just say Taylor looks really good (Selena is a lucky girl :P) and the way he morphs into his werewolf self is pretty awesome. They did a really good job on making it look real. So on November 10th at midnight I will be watching New Moon and loving every minute of it. What about you guys any plans to see New Moon?

I hope you guys liked this post, I know its full of random things but I had a lot of catching up to do so please let me know what you think and I will be posting again soon apart from next time, the post will be all about a new project of mine,

Until next time,

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Best Selling Teen Author


Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Underdog Takes It All!

This week has been a week of the underdog winning no matter what and I love it!

On American Idol everyone was sure Adam Lambert was going to win, I mean he had a cover on Entertainment weekly for heavens sake! It looked like a sealed deal but just at the last moment it wasn't Adam Lambert who was crowned the next American Idol but the kid no one thought could win, Kris Allen!

It was a total suprise but I loved it. American Idol actually was a good show to watch that night because of the suprise win.

In other news on Britians Got Talent (my favourite show by the way) Susan Boyle the internet sensation made it through to the finals. She sang Memories from the play Cats on the Semi Finals and Great Britain voted her through to the finals. So yes this week the underdogs have been winning it all and that makes me very happy.

So that was my random post for today, hope you enjoyed it and I will be posting again soon.

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Teen Author


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cute Couple Alert: Selena Gomez and Taylor Lautner

So no one really knows if Selena and Taylor are actually a couple or are just hanging out but either way teenage girls everywhere have accepted them as the new it couple and they already have a name, Taylena,

Isn't that adorable? Of course being a fan of the Twilight series and a huge fan of Jacob Black, I did want Taylor for myself but if I have to give him up for someone I suppose Selena will do lol:P.

No but seriously I saw the photo of them about a week ago and they just looked so cute and happy. Then I read how they'd been hanging out and visiting each other on set and I was like awwwww. If they are dating they will be a total power couple in young hollywood and if they're just friends then thats cool two after all that leaves Taylor for me lol :p but I think they might just have something together.

And that was my random blog post for today, thanks for reading and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Teen Author


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Star Trek Review

So yesterday, my sister, my mum and I celebrated Mothers day a day late but it was still so much fun!Anywho at the end of the day we watched the new 'Star Trek' movie and may I just say its beyond awesome.

It makes you cry, it makes you laugh, the action is crazy good and on top of it all the new Captain James T Kirk (A.K.A Chris Pine) is so good looking its ridiculous. I really like the movie I think it paid tribute to the original series yet still made an entirely new movie with an awesome new cast.

I loved the movie and this was my random post for today, so yes if you haven't seen the movie yet you should go see it you won't regret it,

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Teen Author


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Following My Own Advice

Hey Guys,

So the other day I taught a blog class on how to set up a blog etc and one of the things I told my students to do was blog consistently for the first couple of weeks the blog was up. No huge long posts just quick updates about whatever, so I've decided to follow my own advice. Over the next two weeks or so I will be posting quick blogs about life love and exciting new projects I am working on.

Feel free to read away and follow this blog because that would make me smile =] Also I'd love for you guys to comment on my blogs, if you find one of my blogs interesting please let me know.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys and God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Teen Author

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Crisis in Uganda and How You Can Help Make A Difference!

In today’s modern world, we’re used to things being a certain way, to things being right and fair. We’re used to the underdog winning and justice always being served but unfortunately in some parts of the world, in places we in our everyday lives rarely think about, horrific things are happening to children who have no way of escape.

The reason for the post is simple, I want to tell you guys about a crisis that is happening in a country called Uganda, a crisis that compared to lets say the economy rarely gets as much media coverage simply because what’s happening in Uganda may make you sad, uncomfortable and concerned but the story of the children in Uganda needs to be known.

In Uganda, like any other country there are children who live their lives unconcerned with the problems with adults but in the villages and towns of Uganda, something is happening, War Lords only concerned with their own profit and gain, come through the villages and take the children.

Once the children are taken, they put a gun in their hands and force them to fight. Threatened with dearth and torture, these children as young as seven are forced to do things no grown man in the west would even consider. It’s also almost impossible for these children to escape because if they’re caught they are killed or worse, some of the child armies force siblings to mutilate each other when they tried to escape.

I mean think of it this way, let’s say your safe at home then all of a sudden, men with guns burst into your home, they take you plus your younger siblings. They beat or kill your parents then put a gun in your hands and tell you to do as they say or they will kill you. Imagine if there were armies of children with guns roaming the countryside of America, can you imagine all the riots and protests there would be for those children’s protection?

But this isn’t happening in America, its happening in Uganda a country that seems an entire world away but everyday in Uganda horrific things are happening to these children but you have the chance to make a difference for these children and help them escape the horrors of war.

This summer in June, I will be returning to the Mission Field specifically Uganda, I will be going with Global Expeditions ( the same organization I went to South Africa with) and we will be working in the refugee camps with the few children who were looking enough to escape the child armies. We will be building shelters, providing food, medicine and clothing. We will be showing these children that someone does care about them and wants them to have a better life.

However the cost for this trip is around $5,000 and I do not have the amount, so I am asking you to be a part of my mission trip with me, to send me on your behalf to Uganda to help change the life’s of these children and in turn change the world.

My first deadline for this trip is May 4th when I have to have in half ($2,500) of my amount into my organization (Global Expeditions), if I don’t have half my amount in by May 4th I cannot go. So if you want to change the world through me and are willing to donate my mission fund that is beyond amazing and below are the instructions on how to donate.

Please go to http://cf.globalexpeditions.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=about.donate and click ‘Search by Missionary ID’ then enter my ID # 2450486, this will take you to the form to donate into my account.

Any amount will help even if you can only give $20 that will still make a huge difference in getting me to Uganda.

Let’s say 200 people read this post and they each donate $20 that’s $4,000 right there and most of my trip is covered. So if you can donate then I thank you in advance and also please check out a charity called ‘Invisible Children” they are an amazing ministry who specifically work with ex child soldiers and preventing the abduction of any more children. I believe there website is www.invisiblechildren.com

So if you plan to donate to get me to Uganda then thank you so much and your donation will make a difference in Uganda but please do educate yourself on the crisis in Uganda, please pray for the children in Uganda and know that one day somehow this crisis will be stopped in Uganda but for now we can all do out little part to make a difference =]

God Bless,

Grace Hatton – Teen Author

Monday, March 16, 2009

My TOP 5 Low Cost Date Ideas for Dating on a Budget in a Down Economy!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know the economy is going through a rough patch but yes people are still dating. Yet with the average movie ticket being $10 a pop now, dating is no cheap affair or is it?

Its my personal belief that you can have some pretty fantastic dates without having to spend a fortune, all you need is the right setting, a fantastic date and a little bit of cash. (In fact some of these dates don’t even require you to spend anything!)

So since my new book ‘The Guys The Roses & The Regrets’ is all about dating the right way, I decided to share with you guys my TOP 5 dates on a budget. Enjoy!

1. A Day at the Beach or A Midnight Stroll at the Beach

Ahh, the warm sun on your back, the cool waves crashing against you and your date in next to nothing, not bad huh? The beach is a great fun filled day or few hours with your date and the plus side, it hardly costs anything! Of course there are opportunities to spend like renting tents, chairs surf boards and there are plenty of restaurants at the beach but you don’t have to! You can just as easily bring your own stuff and bring a cooler with your own food in it. The beach during the day is awesome (just don’t forget to use your sunscreen) but it’s also just as awesome at night.

For me, night time strolls on the beach with the gentle sound of rolling waves, the soft sand between your toes and the moon shining is quite simply magical! Its also costs nothing to walk on a beach of course if you want to spend a little, you can always have a meal at the beachside restaurant then go for your nighttime stroll, either way its pretty special and costs next to nothing!

2. Picnics

If of course you don’t happen to live near a coast or beach, there is always the classic picnic. Now I know hardly anyone does picnics anymore and some might find them a tad cheesy but I still love them. You see if you pick the right day, it can be beautiful, fun and you actually get to connect with your date. I mean any guy can take you to the classic dinner/movie combo but really do you get to talk, to connect. In the restaurant its busy crowded and you’re more concerned with when you’re meal is getting there then your date and then in the movie well you’re watching the movie you don’t exactly have a heart to heart during Watchmen.

So even though it’s a little old fashioned I think picnics are a great low budget date that allows you and your date to talk and truly connect.

3. Movies in Unusual Places

So where I live in Orlando, Fl there are places like an amazing garden called Leu Gardens where they show classic romance movies on a screen in the middle of the gardens and it is very inexpensive but really special.

There is also a movie house which shows movies that are a few months old and on certain days (like Tuesdays) the cost of a movie ticket is a grand total of $1.50

That’s what I mean by Movies in unusual places, they might not be the current blockbusters but they are still entertaining awesome movies and so much cheaper then going to the regular movie theatre.

All you have to do is a little internet searching to find somewhere in your hometown where they are showing a movie for next to nothing in an unusual place. It’ll make for a special one of a kind date and it won’t hurt your wallet.

4. Weekend Festivals

Now to ensure both people have fun on this low budget date make sure you know what kind of festival you’re going to, after all your guy probably won’t be too crazy over a craft fair and your girl probably won’t go crazy over a monster truck rally. But if you can find a weekend festival in your town that’s on neutral ground, there are a great way to spend a few hours relaxing looking at interesting vendors and having fun.

But beware at Festivals there will be a lot of people wanting you to buy their product but to keep the date low budget don’t give in. Just smile and move on, I would also suggest eating before you go to your festival since a hot dog at a weekend festival can run up to $6.

5. Battle of The Bands

If you’re a lover of music and you’re strapped for cash this is the perfect date for you! Most small clubs at some point host a Battle of The Bands, I know in Orlando there is one every couple of weeks in a bar or club. Well generally these Battle of the Bands feature new up and coming local talent who are giving it their all for a grand prize whatever it may be and for the price of an admission ticket you get to watch them battle it out.

Some Battle of The Bands are all day affairs and cost from $10 - $20 for the whole day or some are just for the night and can be as low as $5. Either way for fantastic music, great atmosphere and the chance to say I heard them first it’s not bad. This is one of my favorite dates because I get to spend time with an amazing guy listening to some amazing music, what could be better?

* * *

So that’s my top 5 (in no particular order) low cost dates. A bad economy shouldn’t be a reason to stop having great fun filled dates and I hope this little blog gave you some good ideas for any future dates you may have. If you want more of my relationship advice or dating ideas please watch this blog for more posts but also check out my new book ‘The Guys The Roses & The Regrets’

Until next time, have fun boys and girls on your low cost economy friendly dates,

God Bless,

Grace Hatton - Teen Author

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So Sick of the Bachelor


The names Grace Hatton and this a rant all about The Bachelor =]

Okay so another season of Bachelor just wrapped up and can I be the first to say, make it stop. I know we all love reality TV Shows, we all love a good old catfight and in the end we all love the idea of watching two soulmates find each other on national TV but the fact is out of all the Bachelors and the Bachelorettes, only one of the couples have actually got married, stayed together and started a family. That was the first Bachelorette Trista who is now happily married to the winner Ryan and they have a son together.

But almost every other Bachelor or Bachelorette is still single or has moved onto someone else who was never on the show. Now the latest Bachelor Jason has decided not to marry or be with the winner Melissa. Oh and he also decided he still had feelings for the runner up Molly and then decided to make out with Molly on national TV minutes after taking back the engagement ring from Melissa! I am pretty ticked off about the whole Bachelor franchise in general but that was just the icing on top of the cake, I mean seriously at least take Molly back off the air and leave Melissa with a little bit of self respect.

I think its safe to say The Bachelor franchise generally does not help couples find love in truth it breaks more hearts then any other TV show. So yes I am so sick of The Bachelor and the whole process.

There are plenty of other good TV shows out there reality or not that need some airtime, so how about we let The Bachelor take its final bow and get a new show thats actually worth watching.

* P.S - Check Out My Other Posts to Find Out About My New Book on Dating =]

Saturday, February 14, 2009

'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets' Officially Released Today! (Valentines Day 2009)

Hey Everyone,

So after a lot of hardwork my new book 'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets'is officially released today! I am so excited and I hope you guys like the book. Its taken a lot of hard work to get to this point but today 'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets' is officially available worldwide!

Here are the links where you can purchase'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets'



Barnes and Noble


Books a Million




The standard price for the paperback is $14.95 and the standard price for the hardback is $24.95 but I believe Amazon and Barnes and Noble have discounts for members.

'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets' is an awesome self help book all about realtionships and dating, its been endorsed by Mark Victor Hansen, Lisa Nichols and other best selling authors. Its taken me a lot of work to get to this point but I am finally here!

So please go grab a copy of 'The Guys The Roses and The Regrets' it would mean so much to me and I really want to make this a bestseller.

Thank you so much for all of your support and until next time live life to the full!

God Bless,

Grace Hatton -Teen Author

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' is officially being released on Valentines Day! I am so excited!

Hey Everyone,

After almost three years of trying to get my book 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' out into the world, it finally has a release date! 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' will be officially released on Valentines Day!!!!

I am so excited, it has been a long journey yet by the grace of God I am here at last! 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' will be available worldwide online through amazon and then in the states it will be available in Barnes & Nobles, Books a Million and my publishers website.

I will post another blog closer to Valentines Day with all the links for where you can purchase 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' but until then please watch out for 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' coming out on Valentines Day 2009!

Oh and here is a link to a YouTube Video I made all about it, enjoy and thank you so much for your support!


Also please take a look at my myspace, my YouTube channel and my new twitter channel




Once again thank you so much for all of your support and please go get 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' on Valentines Day!

Official Back Copy for my new book 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets'

Hey Everyone,

So in order to help everyone understand what 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' is truly about, I decided to put in my blogs my official back copy for 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets'

I hope it helps and I hope you enjoy it =]

“Grace has created a book that connects with her peers, tackles the tough topics, and offers authentic, heartfelt advice that every young woman agonizing over relationships should hear.”
—Lisa Nichols, Life Coach, Star of The Secret, and Author

The Guys, The Roses & The Regrets offers practical tips and real-life stories that will help teenage girls and young women navigate the crazy world of dating, relationships and break ups.

Sixteen year old Grace Hatton has lived through good and bad relationships and truly believes that every girl is beautiful and confident with or without a boyfriend. In making it her mission to help teenage girls everywhere understand their amazing qualities and experience wonderful, healthy, love filled relationships, Grace provides both spiritual and personal advice on such topics as

Five things every girl needs to know about guys before dating them

Ways to capture a guys attention

Questions to ask yourself before you start dating

Dealing with regrets and healing a broken heart

With the helpful insight provided in this guidebook any young woman dazed and confused by the sometimes overwhelming world of dating can learn to live an independent and regret-free life surrounded by wonderful relationships.

So I hope that gives you a better idea about 'The Guys The Roses & The Regrets' and please watch out for my next blog because it will contain some pretty big news!